Sunday, February 22, 2009

What Can I Say?

Well here it goes, its been awhile since my last blog. It seems like playing on facebook has taken over the computer time. Lets see whats new since the last time....hmmm not sure so guess will just have to think of something to say. Didn't make it to the gym yesterday, but did manage to make it their today. It was more or less a cardio type of day, only did a couple of the resistance machines. Did manage to workout 30 min on the ellipitical, 10 min on the bike and my usual 20 min jog on the treadmill. Who would have thought that I would actually like jogging on a treadmill! In all honesty, I actually miss it when I haven't done it. Guess that must mean I just might be addicted to exercising. Rich and I went to dinner last night haven't been out in awhile. Went to Massa's and had some good pasta, then back home and watched a movie, Body of Lies. Before that though we had to go to Little Miss Ashley's indoor soccer game her second one. She played really well, but didn't score a goal this game. The teams were pretty evenly matched and were tied 3 - 3 with only a couple minutes left, however the other team managed to score a goal so the girls lost 4 - 3 but they played really really good. Its amazing to watch these little girls play together, it brings back memories of when Kim and Eric were younger and playing soccer. Who would have thought that we would be spending our time going to soccer games again and loving every minute. Its always such a treat to spend time with Ashley watching her grow. Today however, was sorta a lazy type day, except for going to the gym, didn't do much, put a roast on, Rich went in to the office and I read the paper. After dinner watched a little tv and now its computer time. Need to hurry and finish this blog up so I can go out and check facebook So until the next blog....remember One Life Many Moments (read that somewhere).
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