Sunday, September 19, 2010

Where Does the Time Go?

Ok, here I go again, its been a couple of months since I last posted anything on my blog. What is wrong with me that I can't seem to keep up with this? Are journals really that hard to keep up with? Well, obviously they are since I can't keep up with mine. So let's see if I can get this updated again.

Guess the first update should be that my knee is coming along very well. I am wearing a hinged brace for now which allows a lot more movement. My range of motion is at about 56% which is pretty good considering I started out with about 25%. Still a long way to go before I hit that 100% mark. My doctor did say it could take 6 months before I was there and I believe it since at 3 months I'm at 56%. Not sure if percent is the right word that they use but you get my drift. Therapy has helped a bunch. I go 2x a week and she pushed me pretty well. I think lately she has been pushing even harder. I'm thinking she wants me to be at 60 or more by my next doctor visit....hopefully it will be. I have a set of several exercises that I can do at home so that helps too. Of course there are some days that the knee feels just too stiff to get most of them done. It's funny how you really don't realize how much you bend your knee in a day! Oh well enough about my knee. It's at least getting better and that is a great thing! One day I may be back to walking and jogging for exercise again.

Let's see what else is going on....hmmm....well hard to believe but Ashley is in the 4th grade now. Where did that time go? She is still very active with her sports. This year she is playing volleyball again for school (they're getting better but still not a lot of action), she is playing soccer (her 1st love) for school and also she is playing on a select soccer team which she really likes. They play 8 v 8 for some reason instead of the 11 v 11 so there is a lot more playing time since there is only 12 girls on the team. They have their 2 sets of uniforms, a backpack for their clothes, shoes, ball, etc with their number on it and just got a sweat suit jacket with their number and team name on it. She is playing for AJAX. So far they have won the 1st game and tied the second. Hopefully they will continue on this way for the rest of the season. The team will be traveling sometime in March to a soccer tournament in Memphis (this so reminds me of when Eric was playing select and we traveled to different tournaments). Should be fun! She gave up girls scouts this year and will probably not play basketball either unless of course the girls at school take her into it but I'm doubting it. So far she is doing good in school hope that keeps up too.

Ok now what do I talk about...hmmm not been doing too much basically the same ole things, cleaning, errands and of course facebook. Trying to see now that I am more mobile if I can finish or at least attempt to finish cleaning up my Not sure what else I can talk about so guess it's time to stop and see if I can get this posted.

So until next time.....Live Life to the Fullest and Enjoy a glass of Wine!

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